Thursday, January 7, 2010

Greenish Warbler ???

Sometimes I feel that chucking the DSLR for a compact was a wrong move. The ‘megazoom prosumer’ that I am using does a wonderful job most of the time, it’s three times lighter and doesn’t make a sound and can fit in my waist pouch with its 400mm lens, but I do remember the times when the focus used to lock on a subject through a tangle of twigs.

This nostalgia was brought forth by a bird that we have started seeing these days .

It is tiny and fast and notoriously camera shy . If this bird is one which I think it is, it reminds me of Lao Tsu. It is so perfectly ordinary and extra ordinary at the same time. I think it is a greenish warbler, maybe, it is not.


  1. Vikram, Rahul Rao once told me that warblers can be identified only if one compbines calls and physical description. Hope this helps!

  2. BTW Happy New Year and a wonderful 2010! When do we meet again?

  3. Maybe you should also post the back shot for a better id..
    Check orientalbirding or some of the birding websites. At times it is easier to compare with existing photos than with paintings found in inskipp.
