Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Tailors

The tailor birds love to hunt on the tree by our window. The birds are there first thing in the morning to soak in the sun and have their breakfast.Post monsoon is when the tree puts out new shoots.The underside of the tender leaves is soon covered with soft bodied insects which the tailor birds relish.The insects dont move around much and the young tailors who have just left the nests in the monsoons find them easy to catch.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Red Breasted Flycatcher

An uncommon call made me rush to the window. Had to play a bit of hide and seek to finally find what this winter had brought to the garden.

The heap of dead branches we had piled up in a corner seemed to be his favorite place to hang out.

It was a male red breasted fly catcher.

He was frisky at first but I was able to take a photo from the window on the second day.

We were just about getting used to his calls from his favorite corner of the garden ,when he decided it was time to move on.. He stayed with us for 4 -5 days.

Hoping he stops by every year.